Importance of Good Recruiter for recruiting your team

Businesses have never done as much hiring as they do today. Most business success or failure depends on these hiring.   One of the most vital elements of a successful organization is the people which the organization hires. You need the right people in the right roles. Recruitment is a hectic task for any organization. However, if you have effective recruits, it significantly eliminates the employee turnover, making it easier for you to choose the just-right candidate who not only meets the work-related competencies but also complements the core values of your organization. for the process, it doesn’t matter if you have an in-house recruiter or you outsource. Recruiters help organizations grow faster.


Employer branding

Employees switch companies for better salaries, learning opportunities, job security, work-life balance among other benefits of working for a brand that matches their aspirations and values. Prospective candidates always observe a company online even if you are not hiring. A recruiter is a brand ambassador for any organization, as he is the first person who talks to the target employees. The recruiter is the person who creates a professional impression during the interview process and makes a formal relationship with the candidate, which helps a lot at the time of joining. He also supports in many other ways like providing feedback to a candidate who failed to pass through the recruitment process; such steps go a long way in mouth publicity and employer branding. 


Resume Screenings

Accurate screening of candidate saves a lot of time and money in the recruitment process. The smart and talented recruiter does the screening based on a resume, professional profile, work sample, recommendation, social media activity, and informal chit-chat during the interview process. Some of these activities are the only way to judge the cultural fitment of the candidate. Most of the time, these activities provide recommendations for other candidates if the current one did not qualify for the process.


Speedy Recruitment

Effective recruiters can support your company to achieve faster levels of growth. Streamlined, efficient recruitment processes deliver higher-quality, more engaged hirings, providing a competitive advantage that directly impacts your business performance. Long recruitment cycles are costly, both in terms of time and cost. Slow recruitment can also hurt your company’s growth. If you’re not able to hire new team resources on time, you hinder in taking advantage of short-term opportunities for driving revenue. It can increase the stress and disappointment amongst your current workforce and can lead to increased attrition rates.


Merit-based hiring

Good Recruiters always keep organization goals and targets in mind and never compromise on the quality of resources. They always conduct the recruitment process fairly and legitimately and never compromise based on recommendation, other pressure by any partner, or any other employee. They also make sure that discriminatory behavior is avoided at any stage of the overall recruitment process – a candidate should never be discriminated against based on his gender, race, age, or religion.



Consistency is another reason for having an effective and smart recruiter. A recruitment process that is not consistent gives inconsistent results. Potential employees dislike uncertainty in the hiring process. They expect to understand where they stand in the hiring process along with the future steps involved. Thus recruiters must ensure a consistent and predictable recruitment process across the organization. This predictability helps in streamlining the recruitment process while ensuring a positive experience for prospective candidates. Consistency in the recruitment process help organizations to never come into resource cranch situation.  


The primary aim of a recruitment and selection process is to ensure a transparent and fair hiring process, which can help the recruiter to select the right candidate for the right job based on his merit and relevant experience. The recruiters ensure that all the procedures related to recruitment are performed transparently, and all the members involved in the process – interviewer, HR, and others are following the recruitment process having complete confidence in the result. 

Transparency ensures that candidates are always informed about their application status. It gives confidence to the current employee while referring a candidate for a job opening in the organization


Strategic Alignment

Strategically aligned recruiters proactively aline their approach of recruitment towards organizational culture and goal. This helps organizations ensure a better fitment of the candidate after joining, and no surprise for the candidate or company. Most of the time, hiring managers focus on technical skills and relevant experience, but cultural fitment is the responsibility of the recruiter only.


Recruitment is the first point to control the attrition rate of an organization. If your recruitment is good, your companies attrition rate will be low, and employee satisfaction will be high. A good recruiter not only focuses on the skill alinement of the candidate but also keeps in mind his future expectations to ensure his growth, which later ensures his long stay in the organization. This also helps employee satisfaction and high morale.


Value and culture fitment

The best recruitment process is based on the value and culture fitment because any candidate can acquire or update skills, but learning values and culture takes a lot of time. Nowadays, organizations are focusing more on building up the best organizational culture, and a recruiter helps these organizations in maintaining their value and culture to increase employee satisfaction.


In today’s world, knowledge and capability holds the pillars of growth and success. All the operational activities are getting automated; artificial intelligence and machine learning software are being tested to replace the human brain. In such an era, human resource has also evolved and plays a vital role in growth of an organization. The success of any business depends on its human resource department like it was never before and responsibility of hiring the most valuable resources for a business has fallen on the shoulders of good recruiters. Hence, if an organization wants to compete and get an edge over its competitors in the market, it has to employ good recruiters to do their share – i.e. good recruitment.